Module Development
Choose extraordinary for the development of your Module for Doosans Dr. Dart-Suite. Rocketfarm has the robotic engineering team you wish you had in-house.

You will keep your costs low and time-to-market faster if you get your Module right from the start. Let us help you with that!
Robotics is complex, and Module development requires expertise. To ensure the desired results, choose a development partner with a proven track record of delivering better-than-expected projects on time.
At Rocketfarm, we’ve been developing robotic applications ranging from screwdriving to palletizing since 2012. We have the experience and expertise to deliver the Module for Doosan Robotics Dr. Dart-Suite you want.
Why Choose Rocketfarm?
How We Work
Get an overview of the process from first contact to delivery of your Module. We keep close contact from start to end.
Reach out today to get your free project cost estimate.

Let’s Talk
Let us estimate your project. Let’s chat to see how we deliver what you need. Feel free to contact me with anything related to Module development.
Roger Almaas
Customer Service Manager