Our website is a treasure trove of valuable and informative content that is waiting to be discovered. We’ve sifted through the stack and rounded up the most popular articles from 2023.

Are you curious to know what stirred the most interest?
Take a peek at our top reads / articles from 2023.
Dive into discussions about the UR20, digital twins, palletizing with Universal Robots, and what to choose – cobots or traditional robots.

5. Cobot vs robot palletizer – what to choose?
The emergence of cobots and more intelligent robots has posed a new challenge for companies looking to adopt Industry 4.0. This post aims to clarify the distinctions between a cobot palletizer and a robot palletizer while also outlining the pros and cons of both options.

4. Digital Twin Simulations for Palletizing Solutions
In this article, we discuss the use of digital twin technology to simulate palletizing projects. We will provide you with a basic understanding of this revolutionary technology before discussing its benefits and how it can be used. Then, we will explore the possibilities of using digital twin technology to simulate cobot palletizing solutions.

3. Palletizing with Universal Robots (UR): All you need to know
In the following article, you will learn about the advantages of palletizing using UR cobots. The benefits of this process include enhanced workplace safety, cost-effective labor, quick return on investment, ease of use, and flexibility.
Furthermore, the article examines the distinctions between the UR10e, UR16e, and UR20.

2. UR20 – cobot for palletizing
In this article, you will get to know everything we know and don’t know about the UR20 for palletizing.
When this article was written, we assumed that the UR20 would be useful in the palletizing industry. Our assumption still holds true.
1. UR20 Cobot –
Everything you need to know

Last but not least, this is our most-read article in 2023! More in-depth information than our other article about UR20.
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